Faculty of Pedagogy

Department Management
Dean: Associate Professor Vera Antonova-Varbanova, Ph.D. +359 2 4014 214

Deputy dean: Associate Professor Todor Marinov, Ph.D. +359 2 4014 214
Full-time and part-time inspector:   Petya Nyagin +35924014 223  
Silvija Petrova +35924014 223  

Part-time studies inspector:   Mariana Ivanova +35924014 219  
Sneja Drajeva +35924014 219  

Dean - Assoc. Prof. Vera Antonova, Ph.D.

Sofia 1700, Studentski Grad, NSA, Rectorate Building, Floor 1, Room 101
Phone: +359 2 4014 214

Deputy Dean - Assoc. Prof. Todor Marinov, Ph.D.

Sofia 1700, Studentski Grad, NSA, Rectorate Building, Floor 4, Room 101
Phone: +359 2 4014 214

Inspector of Full-Time Studies - Silvia Petrova

Sofia 1700, Studentski Grad, NSA, Rectorate Building, Floor 1, Room 105
Phone: +359 2 4014 223

Inspector of Full-Time Studies - Petya Nyagin

Sofia 1700, Studentski Grad, NSA, Rectorate Building, Floor 1, Room 105
Phone: +359 2 4014 223

For more information see HERE

The Faculty of Physical Education has been the core of the National Sports Academy since its establishing in 1942 (then as Higher Institute for Physical Culture). During all this long period of time the Faculty of Physical Education proves its authority in the system of the higher education in Bulgaria.
  Following its academic scope with its traditional and modern programmes the Faculty plays the role of a national scientific centre in the field of physical education, sport and recreation. So, logical is its highest evaluation in the programme accreditation held by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency in 2008. 

Graduation from the Faculty of Physical Education provides professional qualification “Teacher in physical education”. Using modules of general preparation, students have the opportunity to obtain an additional qualification along with their major - “Coach in sport” or “Sport manager”. During their studies the graduates of the Faculty can also specialize their initial qualification in post-graduate programmes.

  After graduation the students of the Faculty of Physical Education at the National Sports Academy can find employment as:
• Teachers in physical education in all levels of the system of secondary education
• Teachers in higher schools and university colleges
• Teachers and instructors at sport clubs, school sport clubs, fitness centres
• Promoters and organizers of out-of-class sport activities for children and youths
• Experts in state and non-governmental institutions
• Expert in the system of the Ministry of Interior and Bulgarian army

The Faculty educates about 700 students in regular and part-time studies. Bulgarian and foreign students from different countries share here their visions and paths for best professional qualification and cross their scientific interests for life lasting personal and work development.

Studying at the Faculty of Physical Education encompasses the three educational and qualification degrees – Bachelor, Master and Doctor.
Bachelor’s Degree programmes last for eight semesters in regular mode of study and ten semesters in part-time education. Both modes lead to obtaining 240 ECTS credit points. Training programmes are composed on the basis of:
• Compulsory general theoretic subjects
• Compulsory specialized subjects
• Elective subjects – theoretical and practical
• Optional subjects
• Training courses in skiing, water sports, tourism, orientation and camping
• Teaching practice at school
• State examination or defending a diploma thesis 

Master’s Degree programmes last for two or three semesters (60 ECTS credit points) after the Bachelor’s Degree. Training is provided in the following specialization areas:
• Sport in school and leisure time
• Prevention and correction of spinal deformations in school age
• Physical education and sport in the system of the Ministry of Interior and Bulgarian army
• Physical education and sport at primary school
• Physical education and sport at secondary school
• Physical education and sport for preschool age
• Basketball at school
• Volleyball at school
• Handball at school
• Track-and-Field Events at school
• Gymnastics at school
• Swimming at school
Doctoral education is provided for three or four years in regular or part-time of study.
The course of preparation finishes with a defense of Ph.D. thesis. After successful procedures Doctoral students acquire the Ph.D. degree.

There are five main departments within the structure of the Faculty of Physical Education:
• Theory of Physical Education
• Anatomy and Biomechanics
• Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology
• Basketball, Volleyball, Handball
• Track-and-Field Events

Teaching methods at the Faculty include lectures and individual work as well as participation in projects development and implementation. Practical training is a key component of all qualification programmes.

European integration
Training structures and programmes for obtaining a degree in physical education and teacher qualification are entirely in compliance with the European standards and requirements. The Faculty participates actively in all European activities intended to align the European higher education structure in sport science.
International agreements and learning practices connect the Faculty of Physical Education with similar higher education institutions and faculties all over Europe. Great opportunities for student and teacher exchange exist especially within the framework of mobility under European educational programmes.

Scientific activities
The Faculty of Physical Education provides its students with opportunities for participation in research activities and scientific forums – conferences, seminars, round tables, etc.

Sports activities
Students at the Faculty are encouraged to participate in the sports clubs of the National Sports Academy. They are active competitors in different academic tournaments. The graduates of the Faculty of Physical Education are prize winners in Olympic Games, World and European championships.


Assoc. Prof. Apostol Slavchev, Ph.D.
Tel.: +359 2 8683762, +359 2 898776684
E-mail: slav_a@abv.bg

Assoc. Prof. Eleonora Mileva, Ph.D.
Tel.: +359 2 8683762 , +359 2 899508605
E-mail: emileva2002@yahoo.com

Tel.: +359 2 962 04 58 (ext.223)