Associate Professor Tanya Grueva, Ph.D.

Education and career

2002 – Bachelor of Physiotherapist NSA/Sofia

2005 – Master of Physiotherapist KULeuven/Leuven/Belgium

2015 – PhD, National Academy of Sciences/Sofia

Dissertation topic: Investigating the Effect of Early Incorporation of Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

2005-2007 – Physiotherapist, private practice in Quart/Girona/Spain

2008-2010 – Physiotherapist at Magama health and beauty club

2010 –2019 Physiotherapist at Medical Center "VIP Clinic"

2010 – Assistant at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski"

2016 – Chief assistant at National Sports Academy “Vasil Levski”

2022 – Associate professor at National Academy “Vasil Levski”

Additional Qualification courses:

Kinesiotaping – fundamental and advanced (KT1&KT2&KT3)

Brian Mulligan concept – Mobilization with movements, NAGS, PRP’s (A&B part)

Elastic resistance and proprioceptive training in kinesitherapy

PNMU (1st and 2nd level, basic)

Languages: English, Spanish and Russian.

Member of the Association of Physiotherapists (AFB) in Bulgaria. Member of the ethics committee

Scientific interests

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy, Sports physiotherapy and Physiotherapy in orthopedics and traumatology

Pedagogical activity

Teacher of:

 General methods of functional assessment in physiotehrapy; Therapeutic bases and means of physiotherapy; Pathokinesiology; Physiotherapy in orthopedics and traumatology; Educational and clinical practice and trainees


Course supervisor: 2nd year kinesitherapy students OZZGT

Publications, textbooks, manuals

Textbooks, Monographs

  1. Popov N, Popova D, Grueva T. Functional assessment and analysis in musculoskeletal physiotherapy. NSA-PRESS, Sofia 2012
  2. Popov N, Popova D, Grueva T. Physiotherapy for musculoskeletal dysfunctions of the lower limbs. NSA-Press, Sofia 2013
  3. Grueva-Pancheva T. Proprioception and neuromuscular control of the lower limb, Sofia, 2021. IBSN: 978-954-92891-7-6

Scientific articles

  1. Grueva T., Staes F., Van Dun S. Kinesiological study of knee joint from standing in three different conditions. Orthopedics and Traumatology ISSN 0473-4378; 2010/3-4:158-166
  2. Grueva T. Rationale for the application of closed kinetic chain exercises after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Kinesitherapy and rehabilitation ISSN 1311-8269 2010/1-2:52-57
  3. Grueva T. The role of the functional exercises after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Sport&Science, extra issue, ISSN 1310-3393; 2012, p.571-574
  4. Grueva T. Popov N. Stambolieva K. Influence of proprioceptive exercises on static postural balance during unilateral standing after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Physiotherapy ISSN 13114-4642; 2014/1-2:4-9
  5. Grueva T. Dynamics of recovery when maintaining a relaxed stance after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Physiotherapy ISSN 13114-4642; 2014/1-2:10-14
  6. Grueva T. Functional features and prerequisites for the development of pathokinesiological changes in the cervical spine. Physiotherapy ISSN 13114-4642; 2015/1-2:52-56
  7. Grueva T. Kinesiological foundations of the complex functional restoration of the thoracic spine and ribs. Physiotherapy ISSN 13114-4642; 2015/ XII 1-2:57-61
  8. Grueva T. Dynamics of restoration of postural balance while maintaining a relaxed unilateral stance after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Medicine and Sports ISSN 1312-5664; (2015) 1-2:8-12
  9. Grueva-Pancheva T. Dynamic postural control in patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Sports§Science ISSN 1310-3393; (2015) 6:118-123
  10. Grueva-Pancheva T. Closed kinetic chain exercises and their place in rehabilitation after isolated anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Medicine and Sports ISSN 1312-5664; (2016) 1-2:34-37
  11. Grueva-Pancheva T., Popov N. Functional assessment of patients who underwent reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. Sports§Science ISSN 1310-3393; (2016) 1:85-94
  12. Grueva-Pancheva T., Stambolieva K. Stabilography a reliable method for measuring postural balance in patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Congress proceedings book ICASS (2017); ISBN 978-954-718-490-9 (pp. 474-477)
  13. Grueva-Pancheva T. Proprioceptive training in the minimal-protective recovery phase after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - transition to sports orientation. Medicine and Sports ISSN 1312-5664; (2018) 1-2:20-25
  14. Popova N., Grueva-Pancheva T. Study of the physical capacity of high school students from Veliko Tarnovo. Yearbook of the NSA "V. Levski" ISSN 26829908 (2019) 1:34-38
  15. Grueva-Pancheva T. Characteristics of the physical capacity of students from the 5th to the 8th grade. Yearbook of the NSA "V. Levski" ISSN 26829908 (2019) 1:105-109
  16. Grueva-Pancheva T., Mednikarov E. Proprioceptive approach for unstable ankle. Congress proceeding book ICASS (2019) ISBN 978-954-718-601-9 (pg. 520-523)
  17. Grueva-Pancheva T. Functional assessment of patients with chronic ankle instability using proprioceptive balance training. Medicine and Sports ISSN 1312-5664; (2020) 1-2:30-34
  18. Grueva-Pancheva T. Effect of proprioceptive training on postural balance in patients with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES) (2021) Vol. 21 (1), Art. 1, pp. 3 - 11, Jan 2021; DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2021.01001
  19. Grueva-Pancheva T., Stambolieva K. Effect of early proprioceptive training on postural balance in patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), Vol. 21 (4), Art. 207, pp. 1635 - 1642, June 2021 online ISSN: 2247 - 806X; p-ISSN: 2247 – 8051; ISSN - L = 2247 - 8051 © JPES; DOI:10.7752/jpes.2021.04207
  20. Grueva-Pancheva T. Predisposing factors and prevention for overuse injuries in ankle and foot complex in rhythmic gymnasts. Congress proceeding book ICASS (2022) ISBN(Online) 978-954-718-702-3 p.450-455 DOI: 10.37393/ICASS2022/144
  21. Grueva-Pancheva T., Stambolieva K. Effectiveness of the early onset rehabilitation on the postural stability in patients after an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies Volume 35, July 2023, Pages 43-48